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- Written by kevin
- Category: Green Party
- Hits: 4046
There are occasional election disputes in the great state of Texas in which, for one or many reasons, a candidate believes they have been cheated and the election in question was not valid. I know of no Texas case in which the issue of whether the voters have been cheated or denied their collective rights has been decided, probably because Texas courts will not grant standing for a generalized grievance against governmental conduct. However, in the Texas Constitution, Article I, Section 2 it is clearly stated: "All political power is inherent in the people … they have at all times the inalienable right to alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may think expedient." It appears this inalienable right is negated by assuring there are no effective means for the people to exercise their right.
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- Written by kevin
- Category: Green Party
- Hits: 4844
The present GP platform, Part IV, Economic Justice #& Sustainability, Greening the Dollar is found pretty far down the list in paragraphs 15, 16, and 17. The monetary reform proposal is detailed at the website greensformonetaryreform.org.
What is it all about?
It is about changing our money system. I think it is fair to say that most Americans don’t even know we have a money system. A money system is a means of creating, issuing, and circulating money among the population. The ability to implement a money system is called “the money power,” and is considered to be one of the sovereign or governmental powers in our legal tradition. However, control of the money power has been contested throughout western history and throughout American history.
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- Written by kevin
- Category: Green Party
- Hits: 4882
A bit about the Green Party.
Sign up and/or donate at Green Party of Texas.
The U.S. Green Party is a growing body of activity, organization, and coherence. The Green Party US is the national organization which produces the national Green Party platform and which nominates national candidates for president and vice-president. You will also find Green Party discussion on several Facebook pages, for example: Green News Network; Green Party Activists, Issues and Discussion.
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